It does look like a site where one would book travel and they make a commission from the policy that is sold. All information is aggregated by location and a consumer can shop from there, but maybe this is more like “Cheap Flights” <grin>.
Below is an image that shows a Co-Pay Saver from United and it has pop up windows that describe whether or not you are getting first class or coach.
The name is correct as this seems like a bit of a zoo just like shopping anywhere for insurance. They license the technology out to health insurers as well. You know not too long ago I sad Ebay would be the place for insurance exchanges but perhaps they have a better search agent going here, but no word on if you can use PayPal.
eBay and PayPal Expanding Mobile Technology Opening Up Platform to Allow 3rd Party Developers–Could it Handle Insurance Exchanges & Save a Ton of Money?
If this doesn’t work here you might be venturing to Walgreens soon as it has been mentioned they could be considering selling insurance too, but hey they might just put a kiosk in the store and collect the commission from InsureMonkey, ok you heard that speculation here first.
Walgreens Selling Health Insurance? The Question Still Rambles On and Which One Would They Sell First? United? Both Already Have a Number of Joint Collaborations
The government has a page too that helps folks search for insurance and the company does not do any ratings yet but outsources that part of the business to another company. BD
InsureMonkey allows consumers to compare insurance providers online to find the best rates.