This is the decade of the sensors and soon there will be a kiosk anywhere you go to check some regular vitals and read up on some healthcare educational material. So far Kroger has about 275 installations of the kiosks with their pilot program and early 2013 is the target date for all locations to have the kiosks. These are not a bad thing at all but like cameras there will be one on every street corner or in this case every store someday:)
The company that provides the kiosks, StayHealthy has some other devices that are portable that you can have around too like the BC3 composition analyzer cleared by the FDA and an RT3 Research Activity Monitor, gotta love those accelerometers. In addition, there’s a portal for consumers to log on with as well from any internet connected computer.
I kind of look at the distribution of these types of kiosks and wonder if they will eventually run the same gambit as banks with their ATM machines as if you read the news B of A is reducing their ATMs as they are bringing on the technology to scan and deposit a check with a cell phone, so again you kind of wonder at what point more of this will in fact be in heavier use with a cell phone, but for now we have kiosks, plenty around and more to come. BD
CINCINNATI, Aug. 14, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- The first step to improving health and wellness is to know where you stand today. To help customers "know their numbers", The Kroger Co. (NYSE:KR) Family of Pharmacies announced today it will place self-use health screening kiosks at all 1,950 locations nationwide.
The Kroger HealthCENTER kiosks, provided by Stayhealthy, Inc., a California-based wellness solutions company, provide customers with an easy, free and secure solution to consistently measure, monitor and improve body composition and other clinical conditions. Assessments include blood pressure, weight, body composition, BMI, color vision and the ability to upload blood glucose numbers and other biometric results.
"Our customers tell us they want to make healthy choices but don't always know where to start," said Matthew Feltman, Kroger's health strategy coordinator. "We're pleased to expand the availability of Kroger HealthCENTERs to help customers take their first steps toward overall health and wellness."
Kroger customers will be able to create personal health record accounts, which they can access at any time at, to chart their progress. They will also have access to health information and solutions designed to help them in their personal health and fitness goals.
Kroger has been piloting the HealthCENTERs in approximately 275 pharmacy locations since January. The kiosks are currently accessible to customers in Cincinnati, OH, Lexington, KY, and Denver, CO. Kroger expects most other pharmacy locations will have the kiosks by early 2013.