United Healthcare Ads Misleading? Company Takes Out Full Page Ad in Florida Blaming Cuts From Medicare For Reducing Provider Networks, But Advantage Plans Will Increase By 3.35 With Government Reimbursements Next Year…

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Well if you read here than you may have seen the post below to where there’s a big stink in Connecticut where United just fired thousands of doctors.  We all know they do everything by the analytics and if you look at classified ads there’s tons of them for Quants, Data Miners and Analytics jobs all  over.  Many of these jobs allow the employees to work from home on contract.  You should look at this link and see the United press release about their relationship with AARP and I wonder how lawyers it could have taken to write it as it kind of says a whole lot of nothing but basically to me anyway looked like a PR type of thing. 

UnitedHealthGroup and AARP Get Cozier, AARP Still Gets Paid for Marketing Use of AARP Name As AARP Becomes an Optum Labs Data Selling Promoter Amidst Doctor Complaints Received Relative To United Firing of 5500 MDs–Subsidiary Watch

Florida was one of the states to where the American Academy of Family Practice Physicians confronted United on paying doctors at rates less than Medicare and I have hear that too from doctors in Florida that say Medicare is the highest paying in town.  Very complex and hard to understand contract with algorithmic math models is how they do it.  Actually on the contracts the US Supreme court handed down a decision that allows doctors to litigate as groups so it’s no longer the one doctor against the big conglomerate and this was a result of United elevating it all the way up there with a lawsuit filed against their Oxford subsidiary. 

The AAFP Confronts United Healthcare On Reimbursements, Some Are Below Medicare Rates In Parts of the US–Payment Algorithms/Formulas Calculated Deep Within IT Infrastructures Do the Job

Anyway in Florida it sounds like the same deal happened here as in Connecticut as they are quickly becoming a “too big to fail” health insurer and don’t even give the courtesy of a phone call or anything anymore when cutting of doctors and some just renewed contracts in August.  BD

UnitedHealthcare, which sells AARP Medicare products including HMO-style Medicare Advantage plans, took out a full-page newspaper ad that blamed the decision to shrink provider networks in 2014 on reductions in federal funding. But as the Tampa Bay Times reports, payments from the federal government to Medicare Advantage plans will actually increase 3.3 percent next year. (Paywall after 15th click)

People enrolled in UnitedHealthcare AARP Medicare Advantage plans in several Florida markets are receiving letters notifying them that doctors and hospitals have been dropped from their managed care network. That  has triggered a scramble to change plans during open enrollment, which runs through Dec. 7.


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