Here’s a couple back links if you are not familiar with the Kanzius machine. It has been on 60 Minute and a few other places. The Foundation is closing as it has met it’s goals. There have been no human tests with the machine yet.
FDA checking Kanzius Machine as a possible cancer cure
The Kanzius Machine: A Cancer Cure?
The M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and the University of Pittsburgh both have the machine and are doing some additional testing. Mr. Kanzius was not from the medical field and somewhat stumbled up on his creation, being a person suffering from cancer as well. “
Tests are currently working with pigs so stay tuned on this one. They are honoring the John Kanzius’s wishes and performing the trials where he wished, again upon FDA approval. BD
AkesoGenX purchased John Kanzius' external radio-frequency generator and its patents earlier this year as John Kanzius passed away in 2009. If the FDA does not approve the research could go over seas. If the FDA approves clinical trials could begin in 2 locations in the US. Here’s a vintage CBS news video.
The Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation announced it will dissolve itself as of June 30, but the cancer-fighting technology it helped to develop is poised for approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Sanibel Island resident John Kanzius, who died in 2009 from complications related to the chemotherapy he received for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, developed the Kanzius Noninvasive Radiowave Cancer Treatment.
The treatment coats cancer cells with nanoparticles using a unique antibody and then essentially burns them away with focused radio waves.
Foundation Executive Director Mark A. Neidig met with the public and donors on May 23 to explain that it was closing because the foundation felt that it had accomplished its goal. Formed by a group of Kanzius' dedicated friends, it has been the project's primary source of funding for the last five years.
Researchers are preparing an application to the FDA as early as August in order to show the evidence they have compiled and ask for approval to begin testing it on humans. The FDA is required by law to meet with any applicant within 90 days and to make a decision within an additional 75 days.
"They aren't going to stop things because there are so many great pieces of data," said Neidig. "Every indication shows that the research is strong."