This is good news for the genomics world especially as that’s all they work with are huge data sets and I would hope they are given some priority here with their projects as what they discover with gene relationships can be life saving and has the capacity to change medical treatments with immunotherapy. You can read below who the partners are on this project. If you are a technologist then use the link provided for the announcement as well for more specifics.
“Companies interested in access to Catalyst are invited to respond to the posted Notice of Opportunity through the Federal Business Opportunities website and visit the HPC Innovation Center website.
One of the partners, Cray computers is also helping CMS with their data mining to find fraud. As I said below this could replace the Medicare Auditors for a lot of the work they do.
Here’s Some Folks That Can Be Replaced With Technology-Medicare Recovery Audit Contractors - CMS Yarcdata Urika Appliance Can Do This Job And Is With Finding Fraud Patterns…
Medicare Looks To Use Analytics to Identify Abusive Prescribers And Require Doctors To Be Registered With Medicare To Write a Prescription-Sounds Like The CMS Cray Computer YarcData Appliance Might Be Getting A Little Busier
Cray Computers Making a Big Comeback Thanks to Big Data–CMS Using cray YarcData Unit To Detect Fraud Patterns With Payments
“Jonathan Allen, a Lawrence Livermore bioinformatics scientist, is working on new methods to rapidly detect and characterize pathogenic organisms such as viruses, bacteria or fungi in a biological sample.
"We're working on developing scalable analysis tools for next generation sequencing, in particular metagenomic sequencing," Allen said. "By comparing short genetic fragments in a query dataset against a large searchable index of genomes, we can make determinations about the potential threat an organism poses to human health."
A few years ago the DOE had the same type of project going and donated computing space for research projects. BD
1.7 Billion Super Computer Hours Awarded by the DOE–Biomedical Research Projects Included for Parkinson’s and Cancer
Lawrence Livermore National Lab is making its Catalyst supercomputing cluster available to industry, universities and other collaborators to test big data technologies, architectures and applications, the lab announced.
Developed by a partnership of Cray, Intel and Lawrence Livermore, the Cray CS300 high performance cluster is available through Livermore's High Performance Computing Innovation Center (HPCIC).
Catalyst, built for the National Nuclear Security Administration's (NNSA) Advanced Simulation and Computing program, features 128 GB of dynamic random access memory per node, 800 GB of non-volatile memory (NVRAM) per compute node, 3.2 terabytes of NVRAM per Lustre router node and improved cluster networking with dual-rail Quad Data Rate Intel TrueScale fabrics.