Do you already have a medical records system in place at your practice and need only a billing module? The SydaMed billing module could be the perfect companion for your system. It does not have patient scheduling and some of the other advanced features. In addition, are you on a budget to where you might be limited? SydaMed CM billing software could be the answer. SydaSoft is a sponsor at the Medical Quack and this is the next in a series to detail additional information about their software and billing services.
“SydaMED-CM also incorporates numerous state-of-the-art features, such as image scanning (insurance cards, picture IDs, x-rays, etc.), fast "jump-to" screens that let you go from one type of work to another quickly and effortlessly, and emailing from within the program.”
SydaLink HL7 can also help accommodate your needs if you already have a medical records program. It provides a 2 way link connecting both the medical records and the billing software.
“SydaLink is a sophisticated HL7 interface that bridges SydaMED practice management with HL7-compliant EMR systems such as SpringCharts. Users can seamlessly and automatically transfer patient and appointment records from SydaMED to EMR and transfer claims information from EMR to SydaMED. Users have the choice to use fully automated or monitored transfer of data.”
In addition what’s any billing or practice management system without a back up system?
SydaSoft backup is there to handle this for you. The service provides a remote location back up off premise to keep your information secure and available when you need it. I can speak for that a few years ago with having a back up service at a remote location after having to rebuild a server that crashed.
“With the Sydasoft Remote Backup System, data is stored safely and securely offsite where it can be retrieved quickly and easily 24 hours a day. SydaSoft's RBS software addresses three critical issues to ensure successful offsite backup: Time, Connection Expense, and Security.
- 1. Time: Our RBS system 'compresses' the data prior to transfer. This means that 100 MBs of data would be compressed to approximately 15 MBs and the transfer takes minutes instead of hours.
2. Connection Expense: Our system leverages your existing Internet connection to transfer the compressed backup files.
3. Security: Our system utilizes multiple layers of access encryption and validation triggers. The security parameters to access your backup files are embedded into the binary code of your individual software installation on your PC. This means site security cannot be manipulated or decoded by a third party. Additionally you can place an 'Unzip' password or PIN number on all your backup files. This means that they cannot be opened by ANYONE except you. “
A Note for Established Medical Billing Services
If you are an established billing service, SydaMED can help expand your business and enhance your profitability. As a billing service, you need to have greater flexibility in order to maximize the potential of your business. You need to bill for many types of specialties. For example, you most likely need software the can handle general medical, chiropractic, UB-92, DME, and so on.
SydaMED is your answer. This state-of-the-art medical practice management software is the most attractive, easiest-to-use medical billing software system on the market. Contact us at 800-400-9558 for details on converting your medical billing service to SydaMED.
A Note to New Medical Billing Services
If you are a start-up billing service in need of comprehensive training on software and billing daily operations, we recommend getting full-scale training from ClaimTek Systems. ClaimTek can provide you with a comprehensive package that includes software, training, marketing and support program. ClaimTek programs teach you how to perform medical billing, market to medical providers, and get support on every step of setting up your business. For more information, visit
Here’s a video from a business owner who made a transition from the trucking industry to creating his own medical billing business and he signed up with ClaimTek to learn how to get set up and get his business rolling with all the tools he needed. So if you are interested in starting your own medical billing service, take a look at what ClaimTek has to offer. BD