Health Insurance Companies Providing Charge Cards And/Or Coupons For Healthy Foods–More Data To Collect About You And Potentially Repackage and Sell For A Profit…

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We all know by now that a card or coupon is just one more way to track what you do and insurers these days can’t get enough relevant and non relevant data  to analyze.  For insurers, it works well to have these globs of data that they may not know what they will do with yet, but the complexities of building models and analytics around the users and querying with other information on file is endless.  Read the link below to see where banks, insurers and the CFPB are all buying up your credit card transactions.  This is a daily thing by the way, depending on the contract with how much data Argus will provide.  They do analytics and thus you end up with another one of those “secret scores” on your record somewhere. 

Argus Analytics Produces “Share of Credit Card” Data On Consumers - Digs Up The Dirt on Your Credit Card Behavior Patterns-US Consumer Protection Agency Is A Client-We Are Paying for Richard Cordray’s Slow Education Process

So if your grocery store card is not good enough, we have some over lap here to be sure we don’t miss any potential data about you that could be repackaged and sold.  Why don’t they just make the food more affordable and forget all of this tracking?  You think?  Of course  not as United Healthcare is either the #1 or #2 largest sellers of data in the healthcare business.  All together, it’s about a $180 billion dollar a year business when you include all entities. 

Health Insurance Business Is Driving Itself Off a Cliff & Doesn’t Know When to Stop With Collecting, Analyzing and Processing Non Relevant Data With Little Or No Impact On Giving Good Care..

I don’t know about you but all of this is taking way too much of my time as there are other data areas I need to worry about, like the bank, work, etc. and I just flat out don’t have time for all of this, much less giving access to anymore data for goodness sakes.  BD 

UnitedHealthcare is now the third health insurance company to provide members with a program aimed at empowering them to choose better foods when they go shopping—and hopefully improve their health as a result. The Healthy Savings program, a partnership with Wisconsin-based Roundy's Supermarkets provides potential savings of more than $150 per month on prequalified foods.

Humana has had a grocery program for three years called Humana Vitality, which it has improved since its launch. The company reports that 40% of their health plan members are enrolled in the program, through which members can use a card to save on qualified purchases at Wal-Mart stores.

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield also has a program that provides coupons to members for discounts on food and other household products. Members access the coupons via their accounts on and can print them out to utilize them at "more than 90%" of all major food store chains.

One of the keys to success to such a program is likely to be convenience; the Healthy Savings program promotes the fact that it doesn't require any printing of coupons. The program website featured each week's discounted items and shows where to find the closest participating stores, as well as other related health and shopping information.

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