Bad Workplace Habits That Affect Mental Health

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Most of the time, worksite wellness initiatives focus on physical health and the benefits of encouraging people to take better care of their bodies. Mental health, however, is just as important to living a full, happy life, and to maintaining a productive, efficient workplace. Many employees are engaged in bad habits in the workplace that are harming them mentally, leading to anxiety, depression, and other stressful conditions that can hurt people at home and at work.

Lack of Exercise

Everyone knows that not getting enough exercise is bad for your body, but it can be just as bad for your mind. According to a study in JAMA Psychiatry, depression and physical activity were found to be linked: those who exercised were less likely to be depressed, and those who were depressed were much less likely to be physically active. In fact, physical activity at least three times a week was found to decrease the risk of suffering from depression by 19%.

Doing Too Much at Once

Multitasking is usually seen as a good skill to have at work, but appearances can be deceiving. When people perform multiple kinds of activities at once – even something as simple as continuing to work on your lunch break – they are most likely hurting their productivity rather than helping it. Doing too much at once increases stress level, harms a person’s ability to focus on what they’re doing, and drastically reduces their ability to communicate with others. In other words, too much multitasking is as likely to slow things down (and burn people out) as it is to get things done faster.

Want more great health tips for the workplace? Contact a Wellsource corporate health specialist today by calling 800-533-9355.


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