Hospital CEO and Two Physicians Arrested In Prescription Pain Killer Distribution Ring..

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Geez this has to be a black eye on the community to have the CEO involved in this, who I imagine will noimage[6] longer be the CEO if not already removed.  Over 15,000 prescriptions for pain killers written for the CEO?  I think he would be dead if he took all those pain killers over the 3 year period so yes this looks to be pretty obvious by chasing a paper or digital trail of prescriptions.  The hospital even has a clinic in the Wal-Mart Store too.  Wonder how many of the prescriptions might have been filled at Wal-Mart.  I would imagine they may have spread them around.

The CEO’s family even helped fund the hospital over the years too, so this one won’t look good for the Gowder family. 

One doctor was a board member of the hospital and was charged with 41 counts of unauthorized distribution of a controlled substance. This was a big ring it sounds like.  BD 

The CEO of Blairsville’s Union General Hospital is one of six suspects accused of being involved with fraudulent prescriptions for painkillers.

District Attorney Jeffrey Langley’s office tells news outlets that CEO Mike Gowder and five others wereimage[3] arrested Wednesday after a nine-month-long investigation. Gowder faces two counts of fraudulently obtaining a controlled substance and one count of conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance.

Police say one of two physicians arrested in the raid, Dr. James Heaton, wrote more than 15,000 fraudulent prescriptions for painkillers for Gowder over a three-year period. Four of Gowder’s family members were among those apprehended. It’s unclear whether the suspects have attorneys.

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