New Online Personal Health Records Program For Verizon Employees

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If you have patients working for Verizon, they now have the opportunity to print and share their medical records wtih the physician's office if they opt for the free Personal Records Program being offered...BD

First of its kind program designed to increase efficiency, quality of care and empower verizon employees as health care consumers.
In a move to use technology to reduce inefficiencies in the delivery of health care and make it more responsive to consumers' and physicians' needs, Verizon has implemented a new program that provides company employees with secure, 24/7 access online to their medical and prescription history, a robust snapshot of their health status that can be shared with health care providers.

This is the first step toward an interoperable system that will seamlessly connect all pieces of the health care puzzle -- patients, clinicians, pharmacies, labs, hospitals and others."

Easy-to-read charts and reports are accessible online and can be printed and shared with physicians, and help create an informed health care consumer. The information is password-protected and kept secure and confidential, accessible only by the employee and, if an employee chooses, by his or her health care providers.
Verizon's personal health records tool works independent of an employee's health plan and is completely portable, even if the employee retires or leaves the company.

In addition, Verizon was a founding member of pay-for-performance programs Bridges to Excellence and Leapfrog, which reward providers and hospitals for quality care and health information technology implementation.
In 2006 alone, Verizon spent $3.5 billion to provide health care for more than 900,000 employees, dependents and retirees. 

Source: Jobs > New Online Personal Health Records Program For Verizon Employees

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