Interesting article here about combining health and banking, incentives and lessons for the medical arena from banking?? This also advocates more patient/consumer involvement rather than the entire burden being on the physician as well. BD
Imagine going to your bank's Web site and being able to pick a doctor, schedule an office visit, check lab results or pay a bill from your last appointment.
That's one of the initiatives of the Medical Banking Project, a Franklin-based think tank that advocates using back-office systems perfected by banks to slash health-care costs.
Casillas agrees privacy concerns are a barrier. But he said that even without passage of the bills likely to be sponsored by Republican Sen. Sam Brownbackand Democrat Rep. Dennis Moore, both of Kansas, banks could proceed.
In the medical banking model, consumers would have control over their records, Casillas said.
For Casillas, there's also challenges in getting banks and health plans to work together because both ultimately want to own the consumer.