Steve Ballmer Microsoft CEO Address in the Netherlands – The New Efficiency

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Steve Ballmer begins speaking of the growth of IT – Information technology, and how we have arrived at the the new normal.  IT is important for the World Economy.  When it comes to the cloud, he says there’s 3 screens in the cloud.  Information technology is going to make everyone more efficient.  This speech struck me as one that is good for anyone to hear and brings a bit of IT reality today and where we are going tomorrow.

New pharmaceutical products will be created by Information Technology.  The next 2 years will be a revolution with technology. 


He stated user interfaces need to make sense and IT is more critical than ever for growth. 

Speak to your television, not controlling with a mouse but more touch and voice technology, it’s going to happen he says.  Natural language is another advancement moving forward, all search engines. 

How do we get from here to the future – the new efficiency.  It is funny to hear him speak of a server launch and he says don’t ask me which one.  IT is always under pressure for better designed software. 

Ballmer likes wireless networking with Windows 7 and says the end user interface is ready for the new efficiency.  Sharing is a big focus and users with Windows 7 are finding what they like. 

Sharing data, focus on the family he says in the Ballmer household.  Virtualization is creating effective ways to drive costs down from the data centers.  This is not a real hard sell for Windows 7, but more one on technology and the value of IT. 


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