CDC Report on H1N1 – 10,000 People Died and 47 Million Were Infected with the Virus

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These I think are larger numbers than originally anticipated.  We may read in our local communities of people who had a lethal case and those who imagepassed away, but adding all of these up certainly leads us to some staggering numbers for the H1N1 (Swine) flu.   BD

U.S. health officials on Thursday announced nearly 10,000 people in the U.S. had died from H1N1 (swine flu) since the virus was first reported in April, the New York Times reports. The latest numbers mark a "significant jump" from CDC's estimate last month of 4,000 deaths in the U.S., the newspaper writes (McNeil, 12/10).

Approximately 1,100 of the reported H1N1 deaths occurred in children, CDC Director Thomas Frieden said during a conference call, Bloomberg reports. "That compares with fewer than 90 pediatric deaths reported in each of the last two flu seasons, according to the CDC. In a typical season, 36,000 people die of the flu" in the U.S. (Randall, 12/10).

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated Thursday that some 47 million Americans have come down with a case of the H1N1 flu between April and Nov. 14, or about one in every six men, women and children," CQ HealthBeat reports (Norman, 12/10).

About 47M infected, 10,000 dead from H1N1 in U.S., CDC says

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