SEEDIE – The Society for Exorbitantly Expensive and Difficult EHRs Creates ARRA Twitter Optimized Pledge – Retweet with $30,000 and You Are In – Humor

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You have to love it!  We all need a humorous break now and then. 

Their fictitious EHR, Extormity was the first to be certified!  BD

SEEDIE Offers Twitter Optimized ARRA Certification Program

SEEDIE, the Society for Exorbitantly Expensive and Difficult to Implement EHR’s, is embracing the 140
character model developed by Twitter as a central component of its new ARRA Certification program.
“Since ARRA meaningful use criteria are not yet finalized, we decided this was the ideal time to launch a
certification program around those criteria,” said SEEDIE executive director Sal Obfuscato. “In that spirit,
we have developed a 140 character pledge that EHR vendors are expected to tweet. This cutting edge
electronic attestation, along with a certification fee of $30,000, will result in the coveted SEEDIE Platinum
Certification seal.”

The tweet-able statement reads:
We glanced at not yet finalized ARRA meaningful use criteria and hereby attest our EHR looks promising!
So who do I make the check out to?

EHR vendor Extormity was among the first in the healthcare IT community to tweet their ARRA certification.
According to Extormity CTO Oliver Brindle, “We decided to get certified before the criteria are finalized, as
we’re pretty sure we won’t be able to meet the actual criteria any time soon.”

You can sign up to follow SEEDIE on Twitter at


SEEDIE, the Society for Exorbitantly Expensive and Difficult to Implement EHR’s, is a healthcare IT
standards organization that is completely funded and operated by a select group of proprietary electronic
health record vendors.
Unlike independent, objective, professional organizations created to help medical professionals select and
implement interoperable EHR solutions, SEEDIE promotes healthcare IT systems that play well in the
sandbox if, and only if, it is in the best interests of a particular vendor.
Learn more at


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