Can anyone fix health care system?

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He brings up some interesting employee at 65 goes to Medicare, but what about the family, perhaps a wife a few years younger, or children that are still included in current folks marry later in life, there are more older Mom and Dad families than what there used to be..."We Americans like to see the enemy and attack, but the health care and health care cost problem is all fuzzy."...BD 

If the market is unable to provide, then there are only two reasonable imageoptions: One, do without health care; or two, have the government provide health care. 
Now comes the latest ruling by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as reported by the Chicago Sun-Times. The EEOC has ruled recently that employers can cut or stop health care benefits to employees over 65 years of age. This would leave the employee to be covered by Medicare, but their dependents would be left without coverage.

Can anyone fix health care system?

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