Early retirees try to fill gap in health coverage

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The gap between 60 and 65...no Medicare until 65....BD 

The millions who will retire early without company-provided health insurance may need to buy a health care policy to last them until Medicare kicks in at age 65. Unfortunately, individual policies for people in their 60s can be hugely expensive, with premiums topping $900 a month for family coverage. And those in poor health might be unable to find a policy at any price. I wish Congress would consider letting people buy into Medicare," he says. Most boomers, he believes, would like to retire at 62, "but insurance is keeping a lot of us from doing that."

Some early retirees who lack employer coverage "are just hanging on until they're eligible for Medicare," says David Certner, director of federal affairs for AARP. "Either they can't afford (health insurance), or they can't get it. They're hoping nothing happens before they hit age 65." About 16% of individuals 50 to 64 are uninsured, AARP says.

Early retirees try to fill gap in health coverage - USATODAY.com


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