Are electronic and personal health records inevitable? – Sure they are but we need education and mentors to make it work!

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ZDNet just wrote about Dr. Kolodner and his recent report which is good, but we need more than reports.  I have been doing a whole lot here reporting on reports!  Can we move forward as I think we have won the battle that PHRs are worth their weight here and get the show moving? 

You know I try and do my best here to motivate and have my records set up and tell others, but gosh I could sure use some help? 

I would really like to hear about others and their experiences too instead of someone else just posting about another report they read, wouldn’t you?  We know they are valuable so let’s get some interesting stuff out here besides more reports, it’s getting very boring.  I try to provide a mix here of both “Oh Gosh” posts and informative information too, so the PHRs could move from the informative area into the “Oh Gosh” category easily!  Let’s get some mentors going here.

I check my web logs and I see folks from Microsoft, Google, NIH, the VA, Homeland Security, the US House, US Senate, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defense, MIT, Berkeley, Stanford, NASA, many hospitals, physicians, students, many universities, journalists, bloggers,etc. hanging out here, so some input would really be great, as it’s getting old with me talking about mine and my 84 year old mother’s online records. Anyone from any walk of life with their input can serve to be a mentor for others. 


Second of all, let’s get the education process in the works. 

The Wall Street Journal and Reuters were both kind enough to republish my small rant on how we are so lacking in educating our citizens here and I thank them for the attention hopefully this will bring about.  What good is it to put beneficial programs out there related to healthcare without some education in the process, and this is needed from all areas from the CEOs down to the janitors, after all PHRs are for everyone, not just something to continuously talk about and continue to quote reports over and over. 

Any CEOs out there have one yet? Any physicians use one yet?  Any students?  I would really like to have some mentors and see a true endorsement of educating our citizens, something we need to target and make time for.  Great that Medicare has the pilot program starting in January in Arizona and Utah for PHRs, but where’s the support, I have not read about any yet?  Is this just something we through out there without any education or any ability to supply them with any mentors of those already using a PHR?  What gives here? 

PHRs can help reduce medical errors, if both patients and physicians understand them.  They are “cool” so as any type of administrator you don’t need to worry or feel that you are “uncool” by creating and using one and I hope that paradigm is not lurking out there, but I wouldn’t be against it.

Google Health and Microsoft HealthVault are free so all it costs is your time.  The related reading contains many of my prior posts on PHRs for more information to find out who’s incorporating the software vendors, who’s integrating and just some real benefits.  With Google Health and HealthVault, if you decide not to keep it, then delete it, nothing lost and everyone might learn something in the process and stop writing about reports about PHRs, it’s getting very boring, so perhaps time for a little learning and action.  BD 

Kolodner is the national coordinator, health information technology, at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and his background makes him a good man to have in that job.

That’s because much of his hands-on experience involves VistA, the VA’s public record health system. He seems to understand the benefits of open source and open standards.

Kolodner has written that this year represents a “tipping point” for the adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) by doctors and hospitals and Personal Health Records (PHRs) by individuals.

Related Reading: (from prior posts and there are a lot here to read up on and see who’s integrating and promoting their use too)

Study Predicts Big Savings from PHRs (Personal Health Records) – Best Kept Secret in Healthcare?
GE, Mayo Clinic, others to develop health record technology
CMS names four PHR vendors for Medicare pilot program and includes Google Health
GE Collaborates and will offer new web based version of Centricity EHR
The Economy – One more Reason to think about a Free PHR
Cleveland Clinic and Microsoft HealthVault to track chronic diseases at home with Medical Devices
Clinical Trials in the US – Begin involving the physicians and patients at the point of care to achieve greater success and participation with Personal Health Records
HealthVault Personal Health Records gets a Facelift - Match records and find clinical trials
Google Health Online Services – Connections Beyond Medications – Personal Health Records
Why Use a PHR – Because It is there and it stands to help decrease medical errors
Military to unveil early version of personal health record – December
The Health Cloud – Personal Health Records
HealthVault Personal Health Records gets a Facelift - Match records and find clinical trials
HealthVault Has New Features Including Fax Services for $9.00 a year – Fax to the Vault!
AT&T, Covisint, Microsoft HealthVault Create Health Information Exchange
Microsoft HealthVault and RelayHealth (McKesson) to Connect Doctors and Patients
Approval For Wireless Transmitter That Monitors Implanted Cardiac Devices
American Heart Association and Microsoft HealthVault Unite
Getting Organized With Online Medical Records – Personal Health Records
Patients can order up their own lab tests on line with with a referring physician and you get a free PHR to boot
Aetna and Microsoft join forces – Members will now be able to transfer health records to Microsoft Health Vault
Healthline – Interview with the CEO – Health 2.0
Healthcare leaders favor personal networks (Personal Health Records) to RHIOs for data exchange
Google Health Online Services – Connections Beyond Medications – Personal Health Records
CVS to Offer Records Via HealthVault
Personal Health Vault - Physicians arm thyself..
Scripps, Navigenics, Affymetrix and Microsoft team on groundbreaking health study – Personalized Medicine
Getting Organized With Online Medical Records – Personal Health Records
Patients can view, share health information through new Health Record Banks - Washington
HealthVault Has New Features Including Fax Services for $9.00 a year – Fax to the Vault!
St.Jude Collaborates With Microsoft HealthVault
CCHIT to Certify Personal Health Records
CCHIT Offers PHR Web Site – Personal Health Records
CCHIT Certification and HIE Transactions – The Process and What It Means
Microsoft is lead developer on military Personal Health Records project
eClinicalWorks Users Annual Meeting – Integration and the Future of EHRS and PHRs

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