Department of Defense and VA to migrate health records

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This is interesting, which one will prevail?  AHLTA has some nice dictation already built in with Dragon Naturally Speaking and this might be an area where the VISTA system will need some work a far as which one will prevail, but at any rate the exchange of medical records is moving forward.  Also as noted there could be the alternative of an entirely new program too, coming about as we all want and demand more scalability and integration with ease, especially with PHRs.  BD 

The Defense and Veterans Affairs departments will migrate their respective electronic health record systems to a service-oriented architecture to enhance the interoperability of outpatient clinical data.

Stephen Jones, principal deputy assistant secretary of Defense for health affairs, made the announcement at a Pentagon press conference yesterday.

SOA means that the systems will rely on Web services that connect loosely coupled, reusable components.

A study by Booz Allen Hamilton recommended the use of SOA, and officials accepted that recommendation, Jones said.

The decision came on the heals of speculation that DOD might ditch its EHR — AHLTA — in favor of VA’s Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture or another alternative.

Related Reading:

Department of Defense and VA to Exchange Trauma Data – Medical Records

Kaiser Permanente And Veterans Affairs Preview Electronic Health Record Interoperability

AHLTA (military health records software) takes hits in latest Web hall

U.S. Military Embraces Nuance's Dragon NaturallySpeaking Medical to Drive Clinical Documentation with AHLTA

Social Security likes PHRs too – wanting to work with EMR and PHR software with pilot program

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