Back in March of 2008, Bill Gates appeared before Congress, again emphasizing education and not cutting corners in this area. If we can somehow attack the education processes here, then we have a fighting chance.
So many today don’t find the time each day even to just read a little. Mr. Gates is not alone in his efforts as there are many others doing the same in emphasizing the need for better education and healthcare, but part of better healthcare and taking care of ourselves goes right back to education, on how we can do thing better, eat better, for better healthcare, so the two almost really go hand in hand.
"The irony [is] that it's almost the highest spending per pupil in the country, and it's almost the worst set of outcomes of students in the country -- and this is the nation's capital.”
The foundation has a new approach to education, which includes new investments in community colleges in the near future. Bill Gates is a big enough figure to hopefully bring the attention to forefront and somehow assist in getting the focus back to education here in the US, we need it as other countries are moving beyond us at a much faster pace. Let’s hope his influence and philanthropy can drive some needed changes. He’s dauntless in his public appearances as well. BD
The world's richest technology entrepreneur -- and leading philanthropist -- came to Washington yesterday with a simple message for President-elect Barack Obama: Increase spending.
Against the backdrop of a recession, Microsoft founder Bill Gates said the federal government must increase deficit spending to stimulate the economy and help the country's most vulnerable residents. Gates said new investments are critical to building on recent improvements in U.S. public education and fighting disease abroad, which he said could be reversed if spending dries up.
Gates, who has used his fortune to build the world's largest foundation, redefining the meaning of mega-philanthropist, said his foundation will increase the amount of its grants next year, despite declines in its $35 billion endowment caused by the sagging economy. He called on Obama to follow through on his campaign commitment to double U.S. foreign assistance to $50 billion by the end of his first term.
Bill Gates Urges Obama to Increase Spending -
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