Peer Reviews at Hospital going Paperless – Pilot program

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Most Peer reviews are still done on paper and this hospital is testing the software to gather all related information to begin generating peer reviews of doctors with software.  Electronic Medical records used in conjunction with the process would be a big plus if not a necessity.

Peer reviews are sometimes controversial and disputed as well, so it will be interesting to follow how the data collection and analytics processes add value.  Mentioned below there was a substantial savings generated from a review of 5 doctors, but I would guess there still has to be discussions, etc. that would transpire as well as just the raw data reported, but one thing for sure, there would be more data and statistics to look at and a shorter time to collect it as well.  

I might guess this type of reporting would also come in to play when evaluating for any never-never events down the road, coupled with additional business intelligence software run by the hospital if available.  BD 

St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital is looking to new technology from a Silicon Valley software startup to evaluate the performance of its physicians. The hospital, located at 2001 W. 86th St., is one of the first to test programs designed by Mountain View, Calif.-based Acesis to conduct peer reviews. That's the process of having a committee of physicians review the work of another physician to help determine whether that doctor is performing within standards for quality of care.

Acesis' software includes such features as allowing a nurse or other health-care provider to update patient data. It also includes fields where reviewing doctors can write their judgments and analysis. The programs also include attachments of patient records needed to conduct the review.

LeGrand said St. Vincent has used Acesis software in a pilot project to review five doctors in a cancer subspecialty. He said St. Vincent paid more than $10,000 for the review. LeGrand added that the software trimmed months off the process.

Software boosts work of doctors | | The Indianapolis Star

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