Surgeon saves boy's life with Text Messaging

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Text messaging does have it’s place in healthcare!  All that was needed were two phones that could communicate, and today we have telehealth when available that can even bring more interaction and information to the screens of our phones.  Video at the link to hear the story from the physician in London. 

Makes you think, are you still just using your cell phone for phone calls?  There’s a wide open world out there, all it takes is an open mind and the willingness to give it a try.  Need help, read up on the web and ask question of those who do use it.  Good stuff and it’s all about an open mind attitude and willingness to learn.  BD 

A British doctor volunteering in DR Congo used text message instructions from a colleague to perform a life-saving amputation on a boy. Vascular surgeon David Nott helped the 16-year-old while working 24-hour shifts with medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) in Rutshuru. The boy's left arm had been ripped off and was badly infected and gangrenous. Mr Nott, 52, from London, had never performed the operation but followed instructions from a colleague who had. The surgeon, who is based at Charing Cross Hospital in west London, said: "He was dying. He had about two or three days to live when I saw him."

BBC NEWS | Health | Surgeon saves boy's life by text

Hat Tip:  Medgadget

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