Why not use drugs for brainpower?

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My two cents worth here, it depends on the brain you want to power.  Some folks have a left side that is very active and taking medications to send the left side into high gear when it is already there could be enough to put some over the edge, so for folks like me, this could be hazardous if not something that could induce the use of more alcohol to counteract (grin).  How big of a spin do we really need?  BD 

Remember all that hoo-hah over scientists using drugs such as Ritalin and Provigil for the very, very off-label use of boosting their brainpower? Well, now the folks at Nature are at it again, this time with an opinion piece supporting the idea of brain boosters. "we should welcome new methods of improving our brain function," the authors wrote, saying that using drugs to do so is no more immoral than it is to eat right or get a good night's sleep.

Why not use drugs for brainpower? - FiercePharma

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