If you want to look up community rankings on selected healthcare areas this may be the place for you. I can see this being useful for students for one in having to write reports for school and other businesses looking for community health data that could be relative to their own business efforts. If as a developer you might feel there’s a burning desire for a program to help interpret and work with community data, there’s an API for that too. They did put a bit of extra information out there for developers too with SOAP methodologies and it looks like it has some dot net technologies in here without looking closer.
Be patient if you are looking up data as these are some big queries so allow time to search. I looked up infectious disease and there are many subtitles to narrow it down.
I looked up rabies and there was no national data yet, but I guess as time goes on there will as there’s an explanation page that tells how the data is or will be collected. Again, the average consumer more than likely won’t be venturing over here very often and I see it as more for research for community information that may be needed. BD
The Health Indicators Warehouse holds data to support researchers, policymakers and technology developers. Available data covers life expectancy, mortality, disease incidence or prevalence, health behaviors, health risk factors, physical environments, socioeconomic environments, and care access, cost, quality and use, among other factors. Indicators may be defined for a specific population, place, political jurisdiction or geographic area.
In total, the warehouse holds nearly 1,200 downloadable indicators from 170 data sources. More information is available at http://healthindicators.gov.