Johnson and Johnson Restructures Consumer Products Group And Creates New Global Franchise Organization

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Restoring the McNeil Consumer Healthcare brands is a big focus here as you would imagehave to be living under a rock today not to have been affected in one way or another when looking for products on shelves that either are no longer there or have been recalled.  The US sector of the restructuring gets it’s own division as probably a good thing as this is where so much of the recalls and negativity took place, just read the news. 
The Global Franchise Organization looks to be focusing on their research and development partners for quality assurance and technological advances as well as assuring the fact that franchises are properly equipped and up to date with everything the company makes available.  I always get confused in some of the big conglomerate explanations of who answers to who and where all the divisions areas of responsibilities lie but I think they key element here is the dividing of the consumer goods division into 4 regions for greater concentration and marketing.  We all know after all the recalls, some new methodologies/strategies were probably in order.  BD

The businesses will be organized regionally, with each of the regions (Asia-Pacific, Europe/Middle East/Africa, Latin America, and North America) led by a Company Group Chairman or International Vice President.  Customer Development will report to the Company Group Chairman, North America. 
In order to give focused attention to quality and compliance, and the critical task of restoring our McNeil Consumer Healthcare brands, the U.S. OTC business will be a separate organization. U.S. OTC will report to a Company Group Chairman, who also will be responsible for Worldwide McNeil Nutritionals, Wellness & Prevention, and the Johnson & Johnson–Merck Consumer Pharmaceuticals Company. Ortho Dermatologics will continue to report to the Vice President, Business Development.
This regional structure will enable quicker reaction to changing market conditions and more efficient execution of region-wide initiatives. It will help to accelerate growth in emerging markets and ensure healthy businesses in developed markets.  Regions will have responsibility for: regional and individual market P&Ls for all countries in the region; in-market execution; customer strategies and relationships; and local market research.
We are also developing the processes that will help the new organization run effectively and efficiently, such as strategic and business planning; annual goal and target setting; new product prioritization; succession and talent planning; performance and development planning; and Sales & Operations Planning. We also will begin work shortly on a Consumer Group Strategic Plan, to take full advantage of the opportunities afforded by our new organization.

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